You've got some real skills showing, especially in the first two pieces you posted. A few things though.
-At least four of your pieces need to be marked public in order for you to be scouted. You've got four up, so some if not all must not be marked public.
-This is by far the weakest of your pieces, primarily because of the anatomy. It seems a bit silly to expect human anatomy of a demonic creature, but you've got the body similar enough to that of a human that I'm assuming that's what you were aiming for, more or less. I'm not sure if the lack of a neck is part of him being a demon or just lack of practice drawing people.
The wrist is posed especially unnaturally, twisted palm out in a way that would require the elbow to twist with it. The hands should end halfway down the thigh, rather than a few inches down from the hips.
Anatomy-wise, there's a system of proportions most artists learn before being able to depict the human body realistically. It's better learned in figure drawing classes than from strangers on the internet, but here's some tricks:
The human body (assuming someone is standing up straight and facing forward, arms down), is approximately 7.5 heads tall (although many people choose to draw them 8 heads), and the wrists and the bottom of the groin are approximately halfway up the body. Knees are a quarter of the way up. For faces, the eyes are halfway down the head. The nose ends halfway between the eyes and the chin. Split the area between the nose and chin into three. I'd put the lips on both sides of a third of the way down, and the narrowing of the chin on the other third.
The face should be five eyes across, with an eye's width of space fitting between the two actual eyes. Assuming the mouth is relaxed and not smiling or frowning, the corners of the lips should line up with center of the eyes.
Hope this helps. I like your first two pieces quite a lot- I'll be delighted to scout you on their merit if you fix your stuff so they're marked public.