
69 Art Reviews w/ Response

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Lovely stuff! You're sense of shading is really stunning here. If you'd like some tips though, the nose usually ends halfway between the eyes and the chin and the ball of her nose seems to be positioned poorly. I'd also recommend cropping your drawing so that just the art is shown- I can find you a tutorial on documenting artwork if you'd like.

Good job on the eyes, those are tricky. Post some more please!

Matthcw responds:

Yeah thanks for the review! I'm always up for improving my skills, and would enjoy any help you would be willing to offer me.

These are charming! Your coloring here is really stunning. Please post two more awesome pieces so that someone can scout you and that everyone can see your work- I'm afraid we have a four-piece minimum for that.

Fubustu responds:

who has a 4 piece minimum i dont understand what your on about?

Fate, as a woman I have to agree with PigeonOnaStick. In all of your art, the primary focus seems to be how much tits and ass you can stick in- if you gave a damn about character or personality, you'd design physiques, body language and attire to do more than just accentuate the aforementioned T&A.

I like nudes in art, enjoy nudity and sex in art when well done. This though, is fap bait with no deeper intentions or artistic finesse to distinguish it from the rest of the softcore porn that litters ng's "most popular" section.

I mean, do soft porn art if you it pleases you, put up wildly popular badly modeled identical-looking anime chicks looking sultry and overloaded by the sheer size of their breasticles if that floats your boat. I'm not your boss and you'll ignore what I say anyway. But really, how can pretend that your art conveys character or a basic respect for women as human beings, rather than fuck delivery systems?

Fatelogic responds:

We partly agree in some points here, don't misunderstand me. I mostly work on pieces meant to sexually arouse the audience (not entirely, but it's a big factor, true), I'm not pretending to make just ''artistic nudes'', because that ''category'' (if you might call it like that) includes a vast variety of nudity without such intent (sexual arousal I mean). The thing is that, for some reason, many seem to consider that ''a bad thing'', and that's my pet peeve.

I don't mind if the so called ''ecchi'' genre isn't enjoyed by everyone around the globe (let's be realistic, nothing is), but blowing up on a self righteous morality stand over a work intended to be obviously just sexually appealing feels like overkill. Does the fact that I make many ecchi or hentai pieces bugs someone's existence so much...? Come on, we all have more relevent things to do with our lives (I hope that's the case, at least).

The only thing I feel the need to disagree is on considering me as someone ''unrespectful to women'' just because many of my pieces deal with women being activelly sexually provocative (or having such revealing attires). It's like critizicing the movie ''Sin City'' as ''mysogynous'' because there's a rather large segment of the story where a gang of prostitutes is shown as female leads of the story. It's just missing the point. It doesn't promotes forced prostitution, it's just a set-up for character developement. The fact to portrait something that exists doesn't means the author encourages said concept, and it's even used to mock such stupid ways of thinking (I don't want to give too much away, because it's part of the background storyline of the OC, but for example, this character's neck-lock is a hint of irony towards ''mysogynous'' people... if you feel like knowing the details of what I mean by that, and even discuss the underlying message, feel free to send me a PM and we can chat about it without problems, I'm serious).

This is getting rather long-winded, so I'd preffer to stop at this point, but as I said before, feel free to message me if you feel like discussing this topic further. I stand by my view of what I do and what my ideology is, but I just wanted to point out that maybe many are overthinking it.

Bottom line, if it doesn't suit your tastes or someone else's tastes, then so be it, it's completely normal. Just don't blow things out of proportion. This is not meant to be a philosophical approach towards Shakespearean literature, it's meant to be a nice pic to look at with simple sex appeal. When I do want to take a more ''artsy'' approach, I do pieces like ''Silveria Irthali, Regent of Wisdom'', for example... and if I feel like just drawing something sexy, I draw something sexy... it's not that hard to grasp.

Thanks for your feedback.

Gorgeous shading! A few things:
a) the documentation on this could use some real work. We've got a tutorial here, just remove the spaces- http://art101.newgrounds.com/news/post/314936
b) you don't really need to declare your copyright, unless you're declaring your work to be using a creative commons license or something and even then you still hold the copyright. under US law, works since 1989 have been copyrighted and protected whether they have notices or not.
c) it's spelled gourds, just fyi. took me a moment to figure out what you meant.

iamMajesty responds:

Man you are awesome you know that? The link you put in your review was soo helpful. Other users have been telling me to scan the pieces that I can scan and how to properly take pictures of them. You really don't need the cc? I just feel safer with it ahah. I feel like a complete dunce for miss spelling gourds XD. Thanks for all the advice and the review it's definitely helpful. :D

Sweet, I love your color choices here. Post two more works so someone can scout you and you're work can be enjoyed by everyone!

trazonbytes responds:

Thanks for the review. I'll upload more soon.

Love your style. You might want to try watercolor pencils- they're a lot easier to control. Post some more work so someone can scout you!

Arhadium responds:

Thank you very much! I will soon publish a new design, and I'll try watercolor pencils, it's a great idea! I possess a watercolor palette (I do not know if you say it like that in English) but I'm not very good with it , but it is true that the watercolor pencils must be very pleasant to use, I never try :)
Thank you for your advice! I'll try!

How about cropping a picture so we don't see things that aren't part of the drawing? We've got a tutorial on documenting traditional artwork up here (http://art101.newgrounds.com/news/post/314936) that i think you might find useful- the current photos make it hard to give your works all the appreciation they deserve.

MattDangerG responds:

You know what thats a good idea. I'll keep that in mind for future posts! I'll repost this picture just for you cropped.

This is a really wonderful piece, but I do feel like some bad things happened to it in the documentation process. The skin especially seems like it's been a bit flattened by color correction, though that may be my imagination. I do think the composition works pretty damned well- I suppose that the lowest figure could stand to be moved a bit more into the picture plane (just because at the moment the foreheads of the top and bottom figures line up along a vertical axis in a way that seems weird to me as a viewer), but it's not something I noticed as a problem until I saw your comment and focused on the composition more critically.

serenekitchen responds:

yeah, i really hate putting colour pencil artworks through the scanner coz it warps everything. Thanks for your detailed comment! the piece does look different in real life.

Glad to see I'm not the only one doing a male nude for the M&A.
You're mostly pretty perfect, anatomy wise, but there are a few problems. I'm gonna be super nitpicky with you, since you've got everything else down.
One of the key problems is that while you've done such a great job on the muscles and bones, you haven't really consider the fatty deposits in the skin much- the muscles have so much definition that the figure seems skinless.

The pectorals are a bit more like horizontal bands than they should be- you chosen to illustrate the upper striations but not the lower ones, leaving viewers with the impression that there's an additional set of muscles above the pectorals. In any case, I've never seen a living man or a photo of a man's chest where the striations are visible- the flesh should cover them up.

Next problem is the muscles on either side of the rectus abdominis muscles (six-pack). There should be two sets- the external obliques and the serratus anteriors. Your figure's side musles have either divided into several shorter muscles or you've attempted to show the ribs under the muscles- in any case it looks like there are many more sets (horizontally) than there should be.

Other problems- the ball of the tibia should a hair more to the right and a little bit bigger and rounder on the viewer's left leg. I love that you included the indentation near the upper trochanter of the femur, but in this pose I don't think it would be quite so accented.

The proportions seem pretty excellent. Might help to add some orange highlight to the rest of the piece, to make his fiery corona more believable.

Flowers10 responds:

I didn't learn the names of all the muscles and stuff and google doesnt allways work when im searching your terms, but the things i did understand are very valid, Thanks!

I'm afraid we can't scout you until at least four of your totally awesome pieces are marked public- they aren't at present.

Moors responds:

Aah, I did not realise they were not marked. I will get that sorted pronto. :) Thankyou.

Jessie @radiodark

Age 36

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