Total Medals Earned: 2,874 (From 337 different games.) Total Medal Score: 46,965 Points
Medals Earned: 6/21 (80/780 points)
win Bojan stage
win Vila stage
win Pique stage
win Xavi stage
win Alves stage
achieve gold medal on Vila stage
achieve gold medal on Bojan stage
win Iniesta stage
win Puyol stage
end the game
achieve gold medal on Iniesta stage
win Messi stage
achieve gold medal on Pique stage
achieve gold medal on Puyol stage
achieve gold medal on Xavi stage
achieve gold medal on Alves stage
achieve gold medal on Messi stage
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Medals Earned: 10/12 (80/155 points)
Unlock the shotgun
Kill your first zombie!
Unlock the Bazooka
Unlock the grenade
Make a kill using an object in the environment
Destroy 5 explosive barrels
Take out 3 enemies at the same time
Make 15 headshots
Kill a bat
Kill 100 zombies
Complete every level
Get an A+ rating on every level
Medals Earned: 5/7 (115/215 points)
Please change it back!
Get all questions right on the quiz!
View all awards.
Keep the window open for 3600 seconds!
Click. Click. Click. Click. Click... x250
Collect 70 trophies in Manly-Chicken's mini game.
Medals Earned: 1/9 (5/210 points)
Completed the first level, have a medal!
Complete the Hot Zone
Complete the Cool Zone
Get a Total Score of more Than 5000
Complete the Dark Zone
Get a Total Score of more Than 10000
Get your Honey Comb back!
Find the hidden Tophat
You found your balls, don't forget to play with them!
Medals Earned: 1/2 (5/30 points)
Medals Earned: 1/13 (5/500 points)
Pass the tutorial. 100 bonus crystals!
Visit the credit page. 100 bonus crystals!
First time upgrade. 100 bonus crystals!
Reach 250 score in a battle. 200 bonus crystals!
Upgrade a skill to level 5. 500 bonus crystals!
Play for 30 minutes. 500 bonus crystals!
Reach 500 score in a battle. 500 bonus crystals!
Upgrade a skill to level 10. 1000 bonus crystals!
Play for 60 minutes. 1000 bonus crystals!
Get the game for Androidâ„¢. 1000 bonus crystals!
Beat the boss for the first time. 1000 bonus crystals!
Beat the boss 3 times in a single battle. 2000 bonus crystals!
Max all skills except for the skill that raises the amount of your lives. 2000 bonus crystals!
Medals Earned: 2/4 (30/65 points)
Medals Earned: 1/7 (5/70 points)
Use a seed
Complete level 1
Complete level 2
Complete the boss level
Complete the boss level without taking any damage
Save all of Big Mama's children and receive your reward
Medals Earned: 7/12 (50/300 points)
Silly cat, get off ma lawn.
That's not even a real sword.
Go back to your cave.
Farukon Paaansh.
Ma gun's bigger.
Systems failure imminent.
Go back to kitchen.
Master the guitar.
Get killed by each enemy in one sitting.
Save the universe from evil.
Medals Earned: 17/32 (190/600 points)
Use a bomb for the first time.
Get killed with no enemies on screen.
Get a score of 500,000 in any level except survival.
Play 10 levels as Natalie.
Play 10 levels as Matt.
Kill 3000 enemies in total.
Fully upgrade all stats
Play 10 levels as Lance.
Fully upgrade any stat.
Get hit 100 times in total.
Collect 100 power ups in total.
Kill 300 enemies in total.
Kill 10000 enemies in total.
Kill 1000 enemies in total.
Play 10 levels as Anna.
Get A ranks in 5 or more levels.
Get A ranks in 10 or more levels.
Die with over 666 enemy bullets on screen.
Reflect over 100 bullets with a single shield.
Finish any level except Survival with over 3,000 coins.
Get a score of 1,000,000 in any level except survival.
Play 10 levels as NoLegs.
Kill 25 enemies instantly.
Complete all bonus levels.
Get A ranks in 15 or more levels.
Reach wave 33 in Survival without killing anything.
Beat any level between 16 and 20 without taking any damage.
Get A ranks in 20 or more levels.
Defeat the final boss and complete the standard set of 20 levels.
Beat the first 20 levels without upgrading your health.
Kill 1,000 foes in a single game of Survival.
Get A ranks in all 25 levels.